New Era Championship CallsNew Era Championship Calls ( is hosted by iPower and utilizes a PayPal shopping cart system. PayPal automatically collects order information but may only use this information in the aggregate. Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more information about how PayPal uses this information.


We guarantee that your Credit Card transactions are safe and secure. You do not have to be concerned. We also guarantee the safety of any information you provide. Your safety and security are important to us!

Your information will never be sold, shared, or traded with anyone, ever.

We are aware of how other websites use our personal information (name, email address, preferences, etc.). At New Era Championship Calls we are committed to your privacy. As a result, we will always make sure that any information you elect to provide us is kept confidential. We pledge that we will never provide that information to anyone else.

We will only use your email address and, any other information you elect to provide us, to better serve you and to keep you informed about changes in our site, waterfowl and big game calls, hunting supplies and gift ideas and suggestions, or new outdoor products and special pricing only available to our newsletter members and customers.

If you supply us with your postal address or telephone numbers online during your order, you will only receive postal or telephone contact from us with information regarding orders you have placed online.

You can rest assured that your information is safe with us. We look forward to serving you.

Is it really safe for me to use my credit card?

Yes, it is. Shopping at New Era Championship Calls is extremely safe. We guarantee you 100% safety when you use your credit card with us. You will never have to pay for any unauthorized charges made to your card as a result of shopping with us at New Era Championship Calls.

Still rather not use your card on the Internet?

That’s fine. You are welcome to call in your order by phone: (309) 338-2177. (Available 8-5 M-F EST)

Credit Card Guarantee

  1. Based on the Fair Credit Billing Act passed by the U.S. Congress, your bank is not allowed to hold you liable for more than $50.00 of fraudulent charges. If your bank should decide to exercise its right to hold you liable for that $50.00, New Era Championship Calls will reimburse you for that amount, up to the full $50.00. New Era Championship Calls will only cover your liability if the unauthorized use of your credit card was caused by no fault of your own from purchases made with New Era Championship Calls while using our SSL secure server.
  2. In the event that you suffer a loss due to unauthorized use of the credit card, according to law, you must notify your credit card company immediately based on the reporting rules and procedures that they have provided you.